A Piece of Cake

There’s only one part of caking making Mike Napolitan of Angry Mike’s Custom Cakes doesn’t love: rolling out the fondant.

Angry Mike's Custom CakesThe full-time web designer and part-time illustrator could spend all day drawing up sketches of cakes, baking their various parts and adding all the intricate decorations. But working up a sweat trying to get a big block of clay-like fondant ready to work with? He could live without it. “I’d love to hire someone just to roll out my fondant for me,” he says. 

Napolitan has been making custom cakes in Kansas City since 2015. He first got into it years ago when he was living in New Jersey and dating a baker at the time. He would help her decorate cakes, and he really enjoyed the process, but nothing much came of it.

Fast-forward several years: Napolitan was living in Kansas City and between jobs around the time of his wife’s birthday. “So, I said, ‘Well, you know, why don’t I just make her a cake?’” he says. He searched the web for inspiration and made a cake shaped into a pond with yellow rubber ducks floating on the water.

“Everybody just loved it,” he says. “We have another friend who cooks and bakes, and everyone thought she had done it because it looked so good.”

Angry Mike's Custom CakesThe feedback was encouraging, and Napolitan enjoyed the creative process, so he kept making cakes, mostly for family and friends. Then, a few years ago, he was again between jobs and thought, “Hey, why don’t I give this a go?” He set up a website, bought some local ads, and Angry Mike’s Custom Cakes was born.

To be clear, Napolitan’s not actually that angry; he’s just not a Midwest-native. “I’m from New Jersey,” he says. “Living out here in Kansas, everybody is super nice, super polite, and I don’t hold back.” Complaining about things in a funny way is his shtick.

So, when he was brainstorming company names and jokingly threw out “Angry Mike’s,” it stuck.

You only have to scroll through his cake portfolio to know he’s really a rather happy guy. He’s got cakes of smiling snowmen, pouncing dogs, grinning minions and dozens of other bright, joyful creations.   Angry Mike's Custom Cakes

His portfolio shows his breadth as a baker. He’ll make any kind of cake for any kind of event. He’s made Alice in Wonderland wedding cakes and batman birthday cakes. His love of creating things means he’s open to any challenge and dedicated to perfection. “I just love the creativity of it — sculpting things, making characters out of fondant,” he says. “And I love seeing people’s reaction to it. It’s just really fun.”

If you want to make your event extra special, give Napolitan a call! He’ll work with you to come up with a creative cake that fits your theme, budget and time constraints — and he’ll be fun to work with throughout.

*Find more information at angrymikescakes.com

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